Dogs 101: Chinese Crested Dog

Chinese Crested Dog: My Journey with this Unique and Loving Breed

I’ve always been drawn to dogs, but when I first encountered a Chinese Crested Dog, I was captivated. Their unique hairless appearance, sparkling eyes, and playful personalities drew me in. After careful research and preparation, I welcomed a Chinese Crested into my life and haven’t looked back since.

What is the Chinese Crested Dog?

The Chinese Crested Dog is a small, toy breed known for its distinctive hairless appearance. They come in two varieties: Hairless, with soft hair only on the head, feet, and tail, and Powderpuff, having a full coat of soft, silky hair. Surprisingly, both varieties can be born in the same litter!

Chinese Crested Dog Temperament: More Than Meets the Eye

These dogs are often described as affectionate, playful, and alert. According to my actual experience, they are incredibly devoted to their humans, creating strong bonds. Their playful nature brings a constant source of amusement. However, don’t let their small size fool you – Chinese Cresteds are surprisingly alert and make excellent little watchdogs.

Caring for a Chinese Crested Dog

Due to their unique build, Chinese Crested Dogs have special needs.

  • Skincare: Hairless Cresteds need protection from the elements. Sunscreen in the summer, warm sweaters in the winter, and gentle, moisturizing lotions are essential.
  • Grooming: While Hairless Cresteds require minimal brushing, Powderpuffs need regular grooming to prevent mats and tangles.
  • Exercise and Play: Despite being small, they are energetic! Daily walks and playtime are essential for their physical and mental well-being.

Is a Chinese Crested Dog the Right Breed for Me?

Before getting a Chinese Crested, I spent time researching and considering if this breed was a good fit. Here are some key questions to ask yourself:

  • Am I looking for a lapdog? While Cresteds are affectionate, they are playful and active.
  • Do I mind special grooming needs? Skin protection and regular brushing (for Powderpuffs) are necessary.
  • Does a little watchdog appeal to me? Chinese Cresteds will alert you to any perceived changes or dangers.

My Personal Experience with Chinese Crested Dogs

I’ve learned so much throughout my journey with my Chinese Crested. They are incredibly adaptable dogs. Mine enjoys city life but equally loves adventures in the countryside. I discovered that Cresteds often have a mischievous sense of humor which fills my life with laughter.

One of the most rewarding aspects of owning a Chinese Crested is their unwavering affection. They love cuddles on the couch and always greet me excitedly when I come home. Their sensitive nature means they are incredibly intuitive and respond well to positive training methods.

Raising Awareness about the Chinese Crested Breed

Sadly, there are misconceptions about the Chinese Crested Dog, often due to their unique appearance. I’m passionate about spreading awareness and helping people see beyond their quirky looks. These dogs are just as intelligent, loving, and deserving of a wonderful home as any other breed.

Should You Consider a Chinese Crested Dog?

If you are looking for a devoted, playful, and absolutely unique companion, a Chinese Crested Dog might be the perfect breed for you. Just remember that owning any dog is a commitment – do thorough research, and consider whether their temperament and needs fit your lifestyle.

Potential Health Concerns with Chinese Crested Dogs

Like any dog breed, Chinese Cresteds are prone to some health issues. Some potential concerns include:

  • Skin problems: Hairless Cresteds can be susceptible to allergies, sunburn, acne, and dryness.
  • Dental issues: Toy breeds are prone to dental problems, making regular cleaning and checkups essential.
  • Patellar Luxation: This knee-joint condition is sometimes seen in small breeds.

It’s important to find a reputable breeder who screens for potential health issues and to provide regular vet check-ups for your Chinese Crested throughout their life.

Training and Socialization for Success

While Chinese Cresteds are highly intelligent and eager to please, proper training and socialization are key for a well-adjusted dog.

  • Positive reinforcement: Cresteds thrive with positive training methods using treats, praise, and toys.
  • Early socialization: Expose your puppy to various sights, sounds, and people from a young age for a confident dog.
  • Fun training ideas: Agility, trick training, and puzzle toys offer mental stimulation and fun bonding activities.

According to my actual experience, training my Chinese Crested has been a delightful process. Their intelligence and eagerness to please made them quick learners, and their playful nature makes training sessions as much about fun as about following commands.

Finding Your Perfect Chinese Crested Companion

If you’ve decided a Chinese Crested is right for you, the next step is finding a dog!

  • Reputable breeders: Do your research and find a breeder with a focus on health and temperament. They should provide health testing information.
  • Rescue organizations: Many wonderful Chinese Cresteds end up in shelters and rescues. Consider adopting and giving a deserving dog a second chance.
  • Meet and greet: Spend time with the potential dog to ensure a good personality match.


How much is a chinese crested dog?

When I was researching breeders, I found that Chinese Crested prices can vary quite a bit. It depends on factors like pedigree, whether Hairless or Powderpuff, and even location. I ended up spending around $1800 for my beautiful Crested, but be prepared to budget anywhere from $1200 up to $3000 or even more for a dog from a reputable breeder.

Why do chinese crested shake?

Sometimes I notice my Chinese Crested trembling a bit, and it used to worry me at first. I’ve learned that it can be for different reasons. Sometimes they get chilly due to their lack of fur, so a cozy sweater quickly fixes that. Other times, it’s excitement or a bit of nervousness – Cresteds are quite sensitive little dogs!

What is a chinese crested?

A Chinese Crested is a true original! This small, hairless (mostly!) breed is incredibly unique and full of personality. They are known for their playful antics, devotion to their humans, and of course, their distinctive looks. While often considered a “hairless” dog, they also come in the Powderpuff variety with a full, soft coat.

Are chinese crested hypoallergenic?

I often get asked if Chinese Cresteds are hypoallergenic, and it’s not a straightforward answer. The Hairless variety does produce less dander, which is a major allergen for many people. However, they still have some hair and aren’t completely hypoallergenic for everyone.

How long do chinese crested dogs live?

Chinese Cresteds have a relatively long lifespan for a small breed. With good care, they can live anywhere from 12 to 15 years, sometimes even longer! Mine is still young, but I’m determined to help him live a happy and healthy life for many years to come.

Are chinese crested dogs aggressive?

In my experience, Chinese Cresteds aren’t typically aggressive dogs. They are generally sweet-natured and more interested in cuddles than confrontation. However, like any dog, poor socialization or negative experiences can lead to behavioral issues, so responsible training is key.

Are chinese crested dogs good pets?

I absolutely adore my Chinese Crested and think they make wonderful pets – for the right person. They are sensitive and crave companionship, so they don’t thrive if left alone for long hours. For someone who wants a loyal, playful, and incredibly endearing little companion, a Chinese Crested could be a perfect fit.

Are chinese crested dogs naturally hairless?

While the Hairless variety is the most well-known, it’s actually a genetic trait within the breed. Both Hairless and Powderpuff Chinese Cresteds can be born in the same litter! It’s a fascinating aspect of their genetics.

Are chinese crested dogs rare?

Chinese Crested dogs are less common than some popular breeds like Labradors or Golden Retrievers. However, I wouldn’t say they’re exceptionally rare. I’ve met quite a few other Crested owners and there seem to be dedicated breeders specializing in the breed.

Are chinese crested dogs smart?

I’ve found my Chinese Crested to be incredibly smart! They pick up tricks and commands quickly, and they always seem to be one step ahead. Their intelligence sometimes gives them a mischievous streak, but they’re so easy to love that I don’t even mind the occasional playful antics.

Do chinese crested bark a lot?

Chinese Cresteds aren’t generally excessive barkers, but they are vocal little dogs! They tend to bark to alert you of something or when excited during play. I find my Crested’s barking more endearing than annoying, but it’s something to consider if absolute silence is important to you.


Chinese crested male vs female

Generally, there are only subtle differences between male and female Chinese Cresteds. Males can be slightly larger and sometimes more playful, while females might display more nurturing tendencies. However, personality differences are more individual than strictly gender-based.

Chinese crested vs mexican hairless

Both the Chinese Crested and the Mexican Hairless come in hairless varieties, but the Xolo is typically larger and comes in miniature, standard, and toy sizes. Temperament-wise, Xolos tend to be more reserved and independent, while Chinese Cresteds are often described as ‘velcro dogs’ due to their devotion to their owners.

Chinese crested vs chinese field dog

These are incredibly distinct breeds. The Chinese Field Dog is a rare, athletic sighthound used for hunting, known for its speed and slender build. In contrast, the Chinese Crested is a tiny, playful companion breed with a completely different physical build and temperament.

Chinese crested vs papillon

Both the Chinese Crested and Papillon are small, affectionate companion breeds. However, the Papillon sports a beautiful full coat with distinctive butterfly-shaped ears. Chinese Cresteds are more physically distinctive with their predominantly hairless bodies. In terms of personality, Papillons can have a slightly higher energy level than the generally laid-back Crested.

Chinese crested vs toy poodle

Both breeds are intelligent, affectionate companions. Toy Poodles possess their characteristic curly coat, while Chinese Cresteds have their unique hairless look. Poodles generally require more frequent grooming and have a bit more energy than the more mellow Chinese Crested.

Chinese crested vs xolo

We touched on this earlier, but the primary differences are size (Xolo being larger and coming in multiple size variations) and temperament. Xolos tend to have stronger independent streaks compared to the incredibly attached Chinese Crested.

My Heart Belongs to the Chinese Crested

Honestly, getting a Chinese Crested Dog was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. Their quirky looks, affectionate personalities, and silly antics fill my days with joy. They’re not the right breed for everyone, but for those prepared to meet their unique needs, a Chinese Crested Dog can be an extraordinary and loyal companion.

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