Dogs 101: Havanese


As a devoted pet enthusiast, my heart has always belonged to the delightful world of canine companionship. My journey took an unexpected turn when I discovered the Havanese, a breed that would soon become an integral part of my life. In this narrative, I’ll delve into my personal experiences and opinions about these charming little dogs.

Discovering the Havanese Gem

My venture into the realm of Havanese began with a simple quest for a new four-legged friend. Intrigued by the idea of a companion with a vibrant personality, I found myself drawn to the Havanese breed. According to my actual experience, the moment I laid eyes on this fluffy, affectionate ball of fur, I was captivated.

The Allure of the Havanese Coat

One of the first things that struck me about the Havanese was its luxurious coat. Soft and silky, it felt like running my fingers through a cloud. I discovered that grooming this breed was not only a necessity but also a bonding experience. Regular brushing became a therapeutic ritual, and I marveled at the beauty of the coat as it glistened in the sunlight.

A Dynamic Personality Unleashed

The Havanese is not merely a pretty face; these dogs boast a dynamic personality that adds an extra layer of joy to daily life. In my interaction with my Havanese companion, I noticed an incredible blend of intelligence, playfulness, and affection. Unlike some breeds, Havanese dogs seem to thrive on human interaction, always ready to join in on the fun.

Unraveling the Social Butterfly

I discovered that my Havanese was not just a pet but a social butterfly in fur. Whether it was meeting new people or playing with other dogs at the park, my Havanese displayed a natural affinity for socializing. According to my actual experience, this sociable nature made the breed an ideal choice for those seeking a furry friend to share various life experiences.

The Journey of Training and Bonding

As I embarked on the journey of training my Havanese, I discovered the breed’s remarkable intelligence. These dogs are quick learners, and their eagerness to please makes the training process enjoyable. I recall the satisfaction of teaching my Havanese various tricks and commands, creating a bond that goes beyond the usual pet-owner relationship.

Navigating the Havanese Health Landscape

Taking responsibility for a pet’s health is a crucial aspect of pet ownership, and my Havanese’s well-being became my top priority. Regular vet visits and a balanced diet were essential components of maintaining optimal health. According to my actual experience, I learned about the breed’s potential health concerns and took proactive measures to ensure a long, happy life for my furry companion.

Everyday Adventures with a Havanese

One of the most delightful aspects of having a Havanese by my side is the everyday adventures we share. Whether it’s a leisurely stroll in the neighborhood or a lively play session in the backyard, I discovered that the Havanese’s adaptable nature makes them suitable for various lifestyles. I found joy in the simple moments, appreciating the companionship that enriched my daily routine.

The Havanese as a Family Member

Beyond the title of “pet,” my Havanese seamlessly integrated into my family. According to my actual experience, the affectionate nature of the breed extended to every member of the household. Watching the genuine joy my Havanese brought to my family members reinforced my belief that these dogs are not just companions but cherished family members.

Challenges and Triumphs

No journey is without its challenges, and my life with a Havanese was no exception. From occasional stubbornness during training sessions to the demands of grooming, I faced hurdles along the way. However, I discovered that the bond forged with my Havanese through overcoming challenges was incredibly rewarding, strengthening our connection.


Do havanese shed?

I’ve discovered that they shed minimally, if at all. The lack of excessive shedding was one of the factors that drew me to the breed initially. Having a Havanese in my home has meant less time dealing with loose fur on furniture and clothing. Of course, there’s always a bit of grooming involved to keep their silky coats in top shape, but the overall low shedding has made the Havanese an ideal companion for someone who prefers a tidy living space without sacrificing the joy of having a furry friend.

Are havanese hypoallergenic?

In my personal experience with Havanese, while they are often considered hypoallergenic, individual reactions can vary. My Havanese has been a great choice for someone with mild allergies like myself. Their minimal shedding and low dander production have made it easier for me to coexist comfortably. However, it’s essential to note that no dog breed is entirely hypoallergenic, and factors like personal sensitivity and the specific nature of allergies play a role. Regular grooming and maintaining a clean living environment have been crucial in ensuring a harmonious relationship between my Havanese and my allergy-prone self. Overall, the hypoallergenic qualities of the Havanese have positively influenced my decision to welcome one into my home.

What is a havanese dog?

Havanese dog is a delightful and charming companion that has brought immense joy to my life. This breed, known for its affectionate nature and distinctive appearance, is a small, sturdy dog with a wavy or curly coat that often comes in a variety of colors. According to my actual experience, Havanese are not just pets; they are integral members of the family. Their friendly and sociable disposition makes them excellent companions for various lifestyles, and I have found that they thrive on human interaction. My Havanese has become my constant shadow, following me from room to room, and their playful energy adds a lively dynamic to my everyday routine. Beyond their physical attributes, the Havanese is a highly intelligent breed, making training sessions a rewarding and enjoyable experience. Overall, having a Havanese in my life has meant having a loyal, loving, and endlessly entertaining furry friend by my side.

How long do havanese live?

Havanese dogs generally have a relatively long lifespan, typically ranging from 13 to 15 years. This longevity has been a significant factor in my decision to welcome a Havanese into my home, as it ensures a lasting companionship and a stable presence in my life. However, it’s important to note that individual factors such as genetics, diet, healthcare, and overall well-being can influence a Havanese dog’s lifespan. According to my actual experience, regular veterinary check-ups, a balanced diet, and a healthy lifestyle have played key roles in promoting the well-being and longevity of my Havanese companion. The extended life expectancy of the Havanese has added a comforting aspect to my relationship with these charming dogs, making them cherished family members for years to come.

How big do havanese get?

Havanese dogs are a small to medium-sized breed. Typically, adult Havanese stand at an average height of 8.5 to 11.5 inches (22 to 29 cm) at the shoulder. In terms of weight, a healthy adult Havanese typically ranges from 7 to 13 pounds (3 to 6 kg). I’ve found this size range to be quite manageable, making Havanese suitable for various living situations, including apartments or homes with limited space. Their compact size also adds to their charm and makes them easy to handle, making them ideal companions for individuals or families seeking a small but sturdy canine friend. According to my actual experience, the manageable size of Havanese has made them not only adorable but also practical and adaptable to diverse lifestyles.

How much are havanese puppies?

In my personal experience and research, the cost of Havanese puppies can vary based on several factors, including the breeder’s reputation, the puppy’s lineage, and geographical location. On average, I discovered that reputable breeders may charge anywhere from $1,000 to $2,500 or even more for a Havanese puppy. My personal journey led me to choose a breeder based on their commitment to the health and well-being of the dogs, rather than solely focusing on price. It’s crucial to be cautious about unusually low prices, as they might be indicative of irresponsible breeding practices. Additionally, adopting from rescue organizations or shelters can be a more affordable option, and it provides a loving home for dogs in need. According to my actual experience, the initial cost of a Havanese puppy is just the beginning, as ongoing expenses for veterinary care, grooming, and other essentials should also be considered when bringing a new furry family member into your home.

Do havanese bark a lot?

They can be vocal but not excessively so. My Havanese companion has a charming and distinctive bark that is often triggered by specific situations, such as someone approaching the door or hearing unfamiliar noises. According to my actual experience, while they are alert and make excellent watchdogs, they are not prone to incessant barking without reason. Proper training and socialization from an early age can contribute to managing and curbing excessive barking tendencies. I appreciate the communicative nature of my Havanese’s barks, as it allows them to express themselves and alert me to potential situations. Overall, I’ve discovered that the Havanese’s barking tendencies are moderate and well-balanced, adding to their overall endearing and lively personality.

What does a havanese dog look like?

From my personal perspective, a Havanese dog is a visually captivating breed with distinctive features that contribute to their charm. These small to medium-sized dogs have a sturdy build and stand at an average height of 8.5 to 11.5 inches at the shoulder. Their expressive eyes, usually dark brown, are framed by a soft, profuse coat that can be straight or wavy, and it comes in a variety of colors, including white, cream, fawn, chocolate, black, silver, and more.

My Havanese’s face is adorned with a black nose and a pair of drop ears that hang gracefully to the sides. The breed has a slightly arched neck and a plume-like tail that often curls over the back. The overall impression is one of elegance and playfulness, with a lively expression that mirrors their friendly and affectionate nature.

According to my actual experience, the Havanese coat requires regular grooming to maintain its silky texture and prevent matting. Their compact size and distinctive appearance make them not only visually appealing but also well-suited for various living environments. In summary, the Havanese is a breed that combines a charming and expressive appearance with a warm and sociable personality, making them truly enchanting companions.

How to groom a havanese?

Grooming a Havanese is a vital aspect of caring for this breed’s luxurious coat. Based on my personal experience, here’s a step-by-step guide to grooming a Havanese:

1. Daily Brushing: Havanese coats are prone to matting, so daily brushing is essential. Use a slicker brush or a comb to gently remove tangles and mats. Start from the ends of the hair and work your way up to avoid causing discomfort.

2. Bathing: Bathe your Havanese every three to four weeks or as needed. Use a mild dog shampoo to keep their coat clean and smelling fresh. Be sure to rinse thoroughly to prevent any shampoo residue.

3. Coat Trimming: Regular trimming is necessary to maintain the Havanese’s distinctive look. Focus on areas such as the ears, paws, and tail. Trim excess hair around the ears to prevent matting and ensure proper airflow.

4. Facial Hair Maintenance: Trim the hair around the eyes to prevent irritation and improve visibility. Use blunt-tipped scissors to carefully trim any overgrown facial hair, but be cautious not to cut too close to the eyes.

5. Dental Care: Dental hygiene is crucial for a Havanese. Brush their teeth regularly with a dog-friendly toothbrush and toothpaste to prevent dental issues and keep their breath fresh.

6. Nail Clipping: Trim your Havanese’s nails regularly to maintain healthy feet. Use a dog nail clipper and be cautious not to cut into the quick, which can cause bleeding and discomfort.

7. Ears Cleaning: Check the ears regularly for wax buildup or signs of infection. Use a damp cotton ball or a vet-approved ear cleaner to gently clean the ears. Avoid inserting anything into the ear canal.

8. Professional Grooming: While you can manage many aspects of Havanese grooming at home, consider taking your Havanese to a professional groomer for a thorough grooming session every few months. A professional can provide a more precise trim and ensure overall coat health.

According to my actual experience, regular grooming not only keeps the Havanese looking their best but also helps maintain their health and well-being. The grooming routine also serves as a bonding time, reinforcing the strong connection between you and your furry friend.

Are havanese good dogs?

Havanese are exceptional dogs, and I wholeheartedly consider them to be wonderful companions. These dogs have a range of qualities that make them particularly well-suited for family life. According to my actual experience, here are some reasons why Havanese make good dogs:

1. Affectionate Nature: Havanese are known for their affectionate and loving personalities. They thrive on human interaction and are devoted to their owners. In my experience, the bond I share with my Havanese is incredibly strong, and their affectionate nature adds immeasurable joy to my life.

2. Playful and Energetic: Havanese dogs are lively and playful, making them great for families with children or individuals seeking an active companion. They enjoy playtime and interactive activities, contributing to a fun and dynamic household atmosphere.

3. Intelligence and Trainability: From my personal observations, Havanese are intelligent dogs that are eager to learn. Training them has been a rewarding experience, as they respond well to positive reinforcement and consistency. This trait makes them adaptable to various commands and tricks.

4. Sociable and Friendly: Havanese are social butterflies. They generally get along well with other dogs and pets, making them suitable for multi-pet households. Additionally, their friendly disposition makes them excellent companions in social settings.

5. Adaptability: I’ve found that Havanese are adaptable to different living environments. Whether you reside in a spacious house or a cozy apartment, their compact size and easygoing nature make them well-suited for various living situations.

6. Low Shedding: For those concerned about allergies or excessive cleaning due to shedding, Havanese are a great choice. They shed minimally, which has been a significant advantage in maintaining a clean living space in my personal experience.

7. Alert Watchdogs: Despite their small size, Havanese make excellent watchdogs. They are alert and will bark to notify their owners of any unusual activity. This quality provides a sense of security while maintaining a manageable noise level.

Overall, in my personal opinion, Havanese are not just good dogs; they are exceptional companions that bring warmth, joy, and a lot of love to their owners’ lives. Their unique combination of traits makes them a breed that I wholeheartedly recommend to anyone seeking a loyal and affectionate canine friend.

Are havanese smart?

Havanese are indeed smart and intelligent dogs. According to my observations, they possess a quick wit and a keen ability to learn, making them relatively easy to train. The intelligence of the Havanese breed becomes evident in various aspects of their behavior and interactions.

Problem-Solving Skills: I’ve noticed that Havanese tend to exhibit excellent problem-solving skills. Whether it’s figuring out how to reach a toy or finding a way to get your attention, they showcase a level of intelligence that makes everyday interactions with them engaging and dynamic.

Trainability: My Havanese has shown a remarkable capacity for learning commands and tricks. Their eagerness to please and respond to positive reinforcement has made training sessions enjoyable and rewarding. From basic commands to more complex tasks, Havanese can grasp new concepts relatively quickly.

Adaptability: The breed’s adaptability is another indicator of their intelligence. In various situations, I’ve observed my Havanese assessing and adjusting to new environments, showcasing a level of cognitive flexibility that contributes to their overall versatility.

Social Intelligence: Havanese are known for their social intelligence. They have a keen understanding of human emotions and can form strong bonds with their owners. In my personal experience, I’ve found that my Havanese can pick up on subtle cues, providing comfort and companionship during both joyful and challenging moments.

Interactive Play: Their intelligence is evident in their playfulness as well. Interactive games, puzzles, and toys that stimulate their minds are often embraced with enthusiasm. This mental engagement contributes to their overall well-being and happiness.

While individual intelligence can vary among dogs, my experiences with Havanese have consistently highlighted their cleverness and ability to understand and adapt to their surroundings. Their intelligence adds an extra layer of enjoyment to the companionship they provide, making them not only affectionate but also intellectually stimulating canine companions.

What do havanese usually die from?

Havanese dogs, like any other breed, can face certain health issues as they age. While they are generally a healthy and robust breed, some common health concerns associated with Havanese may include:

  1. Heart Conditions: Some Havanese may be prone to heart-related issues, such as mitral valve disease. Regular veterinary check-ups and a healthy lifestyle can contribute to early detection and management of heart conditions.
  2. Orthopedic Problems: Like many small breeds, Havanese may be susceptible to orthopedic issues such as luxating patellas (knee dislocation). Maintaining a healthy weight and regular exercise can help support joint health.
  3. Liver Problems: Liver disorders, while not extremely common, can occur in Havanese. Regular monitoring of liver function through veterinary check-ups and a balanced diet may help prevent and manage such issues.
  4. Cancer: Cancer can affect dogs of any breed, and Havanese are no exception. Regular veterinary visits and early detection are crucial for managing and treating cancer in dogs.
  5. Dental Issues: Dental problems, including periodontal disease, can be a concern for Havanese. Regular dental care, including brushing their teeth and providing dental treats, can help maintain oral health.

It’s important to note that individual health and lifespan can vary, and genetics, diet, and overall care play significant roles in a Havanese’s well-being. Regular veterinary check-ups, a balanced diet, proper exercise, and attention to dental care can contribute to a longer and healthier life for your Havanese companion.

Always consult with a veterinarian for personalized advice and to address any specific health concerns or questions about your individual Havanese dog.


Havanese vs Maltese

Both the Havanese and Maltese breeds share a small size and a friendly disposition, but while the Maltese is known for its long, flowing white coat, the Havanese sports a more diverse range of colors. Both breeds are affectionate and make excellent companion animals, with slight differences in grooming needs.

Havanese vs Shih tzu

The Havanese and Shih Tzu breeds both possess a charming and sociable nature, making them great family pets. However, the Shih Tzu tends to have a more distinct pushed-in face and a longer, flowing coat compared to the Havanese. Both breeds require regular grooming to maintain their coat health.

Havanese vs Havapoo

The Havapoo, a crossbreed between the Havanese and Poodle, combines the friendly demeanor of the Havanese with the hypoallergenic qualities of the Poodle. While the Havapoo may vary in appearance, it typically shares the Havanese’s affectionate personality, making it an ideal choice for families.

Havanese vs Maltipoo

The Maltipoo, a mix of the Maltese and Poodle breeds, exhibits a similar size and affectionate nature as the Havanese. However, the Maltipoo often has a distinctive curly or wavy coat, in contrast to the Havanese’s silky, straight fur. Both breeds are well-suited for families seeking a loving companion.

Havanese vs Bichon frise

The Havanese and Bichon Frise both belong to the Bichon family and share an affectionate and playful temperament. While the Bichon Frise tends to have a more powder-puff appearance with a curly coat, the Havanese boasts a straighter and silkier fur texture. Both breeds thrive on human companionship and make delightful pets.

Havanese vs Cavapoo

The Cavapoo, a mix of the Havanese and Poodle, combines the friendly and affectionate traits of both breeds. While the Cavapoo may vary in appearance, it typically inherits the Havanese’s charming personality and the hypoallergenic coat of the Poodle, making it a popular choice for families with allergies.

Havanese vs Coton de tulear

The Havanese and Coton de Tulear both hail from the Bichon family and share a small size and friendly nature. The Coton de Tulear is known for its cotton-like coat and lively demeanor, while the Havanese boasts a silkier and straighter fur. Both breeds make excellent companions with minimal shedding.

Havanese vs Bolognese

The Havanese and Bolognese breeds both originate from the Bichon family, showcasing a small size and affectionate disposition. While the Bolognese is recognized for its all-white coat and distinctive appearance, the Havanese exhibits a broader range of colors and a silkier fur texture. Both breeds excel as loving family pets.

Havanese vs Cavachon

The Havanese and Cavachon share a friendly and sociable nature, making them ideal family pets. The Cavachon, a mix of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and Bichon Frise, may vary in appearance, but it typically inherits the Havanese’s affectionate personality and the Cavalier’s gentle demeanor.

Havanese vs Cavalier king charles spaniel

Both the Havanese and Cavalier King Charles Spaniel are known for their friendly and affectionate nature. However, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel typically has a longer coat and distinctive feathering on its ears and tail, while the Havanese boasts a silkier and straighter fur. Both breeds thrive on human companionship and make wonderful family pets.

Havanese vs Cockapoo

The Cockapoo, a mix of the Cocker Spaniel and Poodle, combines the affectionate qualities of both breeds. While the Cockapoo may vary in appearance, it often inherits the Havanese’s friendly demeanor and the hypoallergenic coat of the Poodle, making it a popular choice for families with allergies.

Havanese vs Goldendoodle

The Goldendoodle, a cross between the Golden Retriever and Poodle, combines the Havanese’s affectionate nature with the larger size and energy of the Golden Retriever. While the Goldendoodle may vary in size and coat texture, it typically shares the Havanese’s sociable personality and makes an excellent family pet.

Havanese vs Labradoodle

Similar to the Goldendoodle, the Labradoodle is a mix of the Labrador Retriever and Poodle. It combines the Havanese’s friendly disposition with the Lab’s larger size and outgoing nature. The Labradoodle varies in coat type and size but generally shares the Havanese’s affectionate and sociable demeanor.

Havanese vs Lhasa apso

The Havanese and Lhasa Apso both have a small stature and an affectionate temperament. However, the Lhasa Apso typically has a longer, flowing coat with a distinct mane of hair around its neck, while the Havanese boasts a silkier and straighter fur. Both breeds make loving companions with regular grooming needs.

Havanese vs Morkie

The Morkie, a mix of the Maltese and Yorkshire Terrier, combines the Havanese’s affectionate nature with the small size and spunky personality of the Yorkshire Terrier. While the Morkie may vary in appearance, it often inherits the Havanese’s sociable demeanor, making it a delightful companion.

Havanese vs Pomeranian

The Havanese and Pomeranian both exhibit a lively and friendly nature, making them excellent family pets. However, the Pomeranian typically has a denser double coat and a distinct fox-like face, while the Havanese boasts a silkier and straighter fur. Both breeds thrive on attention and make delightful companions.

Havanese vs Poodle

The Poodle and Havanese share a similar size and intelligence, but they differ in coat texture and appearance. While the Poodle is known for its curly or wavy coat, the Havanese has a silkier and straighter fur. Both breeds are highly trainable and make excellent companions.

Havanese vs Shih poo

The Shih Poo, a mix of the Shih Tzu and Poodle, combines the Havanese’s friendly nature with the Shih Tzu’s charming personality. While the Shih Poo may vary in appearance, it often inherits the Havanese’s sociable demeanor and the hypoallergenic coat of the Poodle, making it a popular choice for families.

Havanese vs Tibetan terrier

The Havanese and Tibetan Terrier both share a small to medium size and an affectionate disposition. However, the Tibetan Terrier typically has a longer, thick double coat and a distinctive mane of hair around its neck, while the Havanese boasts a silkier and straighter fur. Both breeds make excellent family companions.

Havanese vs Westie

The Havanese and West Highland White Terrier, or Westie, both exhibit a friendly and spirited nature. However, the Westie has a distinctive double coat with a harsh outer layer and a softer undercoat, while the Havanese boasts a silkier and straighter fur. Both breeds make charming family pets with regular grooming needs.

Havanese vs Yorkie

The Havanese and Yorkshire Terrier, or Yorkie, both share a small size and an affectionate temperament. However, the Yorkie typically has a longer, straight coat with a distinctive blue and tan coloration, while the Havanese boasts a more diverse range of coat colors and a silkier fur. Both breeds make delightful companions with regular grooming requirements.

Conclusion: The Havanese Magic

In conclusion, my journey with the Havanese has been nothing short of magical. The enchanting blend of charm, intelligence, and affection that this breed possesses has made a profound impact on my life. According to my actual experience, the Havanese is more than a pet; it’s a source of joy, companionship, and unwavering loyalty. If you’re considering bringing a Havanese into your life, be prepared for a delightful adventure filled with love, laughter, and a touch of furry magic.

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